With a bunch of fellow storytellers from the Australian Storytelling Guild, I enjoyed a great day on February 16 at the National Trust property Vienna Cottage, at Hunter's Hill.
Being the day before St Patrick's Day, the theme was obviously Irish stories, and some great tales were told, incorporating humour, tragedy, rollicking yarns and interactive tales. I shared two string stories with a healthy audience of young children and their parents, then was able to listen to other tellers weave there magic.
My hubby Glenn came along, and being the tallest one amongst us all, was soon put to use constructing screens and backdrops. My daughter and her friend were "volunteered" as honorary Leprechaun's and soon got into the spirit of things, dancing jigs and speaking to young children with an irish lilt.
In a day of great variety and highly skilled tellers, the highlight for me was Reilly's storytelling debut. Her version of 'The selkie' was incredibly moving and evocative. What a brave choice for her first publicly-told story.
Days like this one convince me of the need to involve myself more in Guild activities. There is a danger in doing my PhD of becoming very isolated and introspective, which is hardly healthy for a storyteller.